Let's Bring Back The Bobwhite
Southeast Minnesota Quail Forever
Events and news for the Southeast Minnesota chapter of Quail Forever can be found in those respective pages of this website. Please bookmark the pages and/or consider following our profile at Facebook.
Chapter City: Based in Caledonia, MN
Minnesota Counties/Regions Covered:
Southeast Minnesota
Houston County
Fillmore County
Winona County
Primary Contact: Paul Schutte
Title: Southeast Chapter President
Mobile: 612-968-3034
Email: pschutte54@hotmail.com
Secondary Contact: Eric Ressel
Title: Habitat Coordinator,
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist
Mobile: 262-339-7586
Email: eressel@pheasantsforever.org
State Coordinator: Thurman Tucker
Minnesota State Coordinator
Mobile: 612-201-1622
Banquet Registration Contact:
Paul Schutte
Title: Southeast Chapter President
Mobile: 612-968-3034
Email: pschutte54@hotmail.com
Banquet Location & Address:
Four Seasons Community Center
900 North Kingston
Caledonia MN 55921